- PUBLICATIONS Naomasa Nakagawa authored an article entitled “Points to Consider in Preparing Business Report and Audit Report for Annual Meeting of Shareholders in June 2022” for Gekkan Kansayaku (Journal for Audit & Supervisory Board Members).
- PUBLICATIONS Taku Inoue: Symposium re “Model Agreements between R&D Startups and Business Corporations to Promote Open Innovation ver. 1.0” (Part 2) for LES JAPAN NEWS
- PUBLICATIONS Taku Inoue authored an article entitled “Summary of contracts, acts, etc. that may violate the Antimonopoly Act indicated by “Guidelines for Business Collaboration with Startups” for Business Homu(November,2021).
- PUBLICATIONS Haruka Matsuyama authored an article entitled “Full Exercise of Functions by Outside Statutory Auditors and their Required Perspectives” for Junkan Shoji-homu No. 2269.
- PUBLICATIONS Taku Inoue: Symposium re “Model Agreements between R&D Startups and Business Corporations to Promote Open Innovation ver. 1.0” (Part 1) for LES JAPAN NEWS
- PUBLICATIONS Hiroshi Kamiyama and Akane Tajima authored an article entitled “Agile Development and Disguised Subcontracting” .
- PUBLICATIONS Naomasa Nakagawa and Naofumi Ogawa authored an article entitled “Anticipated Questions and Planned Answers for the 2021 Shareholders’ Meeting ” for BUSINESS LAWYERS.
- PUBLICATIONS Naomasa Nakagawa authored an article entitled “Preliminary Explanation of the Draft Guidelines for the Revised Whistleblower Protection Act” for Business Homu.
- PUBLICATIONS Haruka Matsuyama authored a book entitled “Hostile Shareholder Proposal and Proxy Fight”
- PUBLICATIONS Taku Inoue authored an article entitled “practical commentary, What big companies should be aware of when competing with startups- Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry ‘model agrrements ver.1.0’ a summary account of perspective and important article.” for Business Homu.
- PUBLICATIONS Taku Inoue authored an article entitled “The Supreme Court’s ruling that retweeting infringed the right to determine the indication of the author’s name” for Shojihomu Portal.
- PUBLICATIONS Takeshi Yamashita authored an article for AGORA.
- PUBLICATIONS Takeshi Yamashita authored an article for AGORA.
- PUBLICATIONS Naoki Ogawa authored an article entitled “Article 611 of Japanese Civil Code in the Context of COVID-19” for Shojihomu Portal.
- PUBLICATIONS Haruka Matsuyama authored a book entitled “Management of Legal Affairs under the Impact of COVID-19”