- NEWS The book which explains the patent infringement litigation in which Hiroshi Kamiyama and others served as legal counsel of an individual inventor and ordered Apple Inc., to compensate for the damages of 330 million yen was published.
- PUBLICATIONS Maki Wakamatsu authored an article entitled “ ‘Scoring of Personal Credit’ Aimed by Internet Services” for Shojihomu Portal.
- SEMINARS Hideaki Kubori will be a panelist at the symposium hosted by Sapporo Bar Association.
- SEMINARS Hideaki Kubori gives a keynote speech at the seminar of Japan Audit & Supervisory Board Members Association.
- PUBLICATIONS Naomasa Nakagawa “Judicial Precedents Commentary Series, No. 1” for Gekkan Kansayaku (Monthly Statutory Auditor)
- PUBLICATIONS Taku Kawamoto authored an article entitled “The Spreading of Smart Speakers and the Revision of METI Guidelines on Electronic Commerce” for Shojihomu Portal.
- SEMINARS Haruka Matsuyama “The Roles and Responsibilities Expected for Outside Directors and Outside Statutory Auditors Under Governannce Reform” (2018.9.11)
- PUBLICATIONS Yosuke Taguchi authored an article entitled “Points of the Major Revision of Taiwan’s Company Law ” for Shojihomu Portal.
- PUBLICATIONS Taku Inoue authored an article entitled “An Adaptation of Information Technology into the Litigation Process in the Republic Estonia” for Shojihomu Portal.
- PUBLICATIONS Haruka Matsuyama, Shinji Mizuno, Taku Nomiya, Tsuyoshi Nishimoto and Naofumi Ogawa authored a book entitled “Everything of Effective Management of Subsidiaries”
- PUBLICATIONS Takeshi Yamashita authored an article entitled “Offence and Defence – The Point on Plea Deal – ” for TODAY vol.109
- NEWS Hiroshi Kamiyama’s comment was introduced in an article entitled “Lawsuit Regarding Yatsuhashi, Japanese Traditional Cookie” in the Toyo Keizai Online on July 7, 2018.
- SEMINARS Taku Nomiya / Naoki Ogawa “ESG Investment Seminar: How to Evaluate Corporate Governance – based upon Principles for Preventing Corporate Scandals – ”
- PUBLICATIONS Naoki Ogawa authored an article entitled “Due Diligence is Not an Indulgence” for Shojihomu Portal.
- SEMINARS Haruka Matsuyama & Naomasa Nakagawa “Forum for Statutory Auditors:Professional duties, roles and Legal Liabilities of Statutory Auditors, etc.”